switch release nso-icon-tool v0.4.1

-The developer dylwing23has developed a new application for Switch

consolethat you to create custom user icons like NSO files.

The application mimics the Switch’s existing interface for changing icons, making it familiar and easy to use.

The app allows you to create and apply custom user icons using the elements of the available NSO icons or custom images.

To use it, you must first download the NSO icon cache from the settings menu. This process takes time, as the cache takes about 250 MB and takes a few minutes to get pulled out.

The elements of the NSO icons are generally divided into three parts: frame, character and background. You can navigate between these elements via the main interface buttons.

After creating the icon, you can use the “Apply to User” option to apply it to the selected user. The change will not be immediately visible anywhere on the console.

Characteristics of

  • Create and apply custom user icons using NSO icon elements (sand frames, characters, and backgrounds).
  • Use custom images as a user icon.
  • Update the cache of NSO icon elements (which contains all frames/charities/ups) when new changes are available.

Cache of NSO Icons

  • The icon cache contains all the components of the NSO icons. It must be downloaded from the settings before they are available. This process can take a while for the first time, so you need to be patient.
  • You can check for updates of the icon cache from the settings. If new icons are available, you can download the new cache and update your local copy if desired.
  • The cache is stored in sdmc:/avatars/nso-icons-main. .
  • To speed up the process, existing files are not overwritten when updating the cache. If you are having a problem, you can enable the “Overwrite Existing Files During Update” option in the settings to change this behavior.
  • Icon cache: https://github.com/henry-debruin/nso-icons.

Customized images

  • Insert custom images (PNG or JPG) in sdmc:/avatars/so that they are found. It would be better to size the images at 256-256, but the incorrectly sized images will be resized automatically. This will probably not work well if the width and height of the image are not the same.
  • Please select Custom Imageson the main screen to use your own images.

Download: nso-i-tool v0.4.1

Download: Source code nso-i-tool v0.4.1

Source: gbatemp.net

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