New sharder for gta iv pc best graphic

New shader update for GTA IV: Complete Edition version or higher for Windows PC.

Grand Theft Auto IV for PC is a very mediocre porting, to say the least. Countless graphics effects have been broken, removed, or changed for the worse than console versions and even previous versions of the PC game.

This patch tries to fix as many of these issues as possible, as well as adding new features, staying true to the original art direction.

Among the main novelties of this version, the problems were repaired with the uncolored glass fragments and various specific vehicles.

In addition, the stuttering problem of the camera during the run and the veer with the controller was corrected, as well as the delay in the fire of the rifles.

Also fixed banding in the sky and colors and restoring the time range of consoles and other reflex behaviors.

New features have been added, such as shadow effects for street lamps, headlights and vehicles at night, and improved the rendering distance of shadows.

The quality of the field of view and shadow filter has been enhanced, and options have been introduced to customize the blur of shadows and activate episodic features.

In addition, the code has been re-made to improve overall performance, and improvements have been made to transparency and detail of long-distance tree textures, with the addition of a parameter to control leaf transparency.

Some features have been removed, including the shadow filter for consoles, SSAA and improved definition options. The foam effect of the broken shore and the option to customize the blur intensity of raindrops have been eliminated.

In addition, the vehicle liveries limit was increased from 4 to 127. This update also improved particle management, reflections on water, and translation support.


  • Install Grand Theft Auto IV: The Complete Edition (version or higher is required).
  • Download the archive .
  • Extract the contents of the archive to the GTAIV: The Complete Edition root directory, where the executable file is located.

Warning: Non-Windows (Proton/Wine) users must override the DLL.

Important: This fix has only been tested with the latest official update and the latest ASI Loader (included in the archive).

Changelog Core/Gameplay

New options for menus

  • Added an option to skip the intro.
  • Added an option to skip the main menu after booting.
  • Added an option to switch between window and borderless window mode.
  • Added a separate switch for motion blur.
  • Added a separate switch for bloom.
  • Set a custom FPS limit, selectable from a list of default, or deactivable values.
  • Added a switch for FXAA or SMAA (comparation).
  • Implemented the sun’s rays, faithful to the original artistic style.
  • Emulate the contrasted look of the consoles with the console range.
  • Added the option to change the color filters in the main game and episodes.
  • Check the intensity of the blur remotely during the gameplay.
  • Enabled/disabled the depth-of-field effect at a global level.
  • Offered the lighting of the “PC” style, “PC+” trees with AO of the vertices and “Console”.
  • Permission to run by default, as in classic GTA games.
  • Support only for Logitech hardware, requires the Logitech G HUB app for LightSyncRGB.
  • Added option to disable camera centering in cover.
  • Provided raw input for the menu and settings for viewing the camera with the mouse.
  • Enable alternative dialogues in some missions.
  • Set the waiting time before the camera starts to center on foot.
  • Adjusted the field of view (FOV) in the game.
  • Draw edges in the cutscenes above and below the screen (letterbox).
  • Draw edges in the cutscenes on the sides of the screen in ultrawide (pillarbox).
  • Allowed to select different styles of controller icons (Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck).

The main

  • Fixed the behavior of the recoil that was different between keyboard/mouse and gamepad.
  • Fixed the forced setting of “definition off” in the cutscenes; now the cutscenes respect the menu setting.
  • Fixed the DLC car lights in TBoGT.
  • Added various options to limit frames to address fps-related issues.
  • Fixed the aiming zoom in TBoGT.
  • Added an option to fix a bug that only caused taxis to appear.
  • Added a file overwriting solution that allows you to replace game files without actually replacing them.
  • Added IMG Loader (from the update folder).
  • Increased the crown limit to avoid the strong flickering of the lights of the game.
  • Improved support for ultrawide screens.
  • Added the sun’s rays.
  • Added various animations and models of fixed vehicles and coronas of street lamps.
  • Fixed the problem of colorless glass fragments.


  • Restored transparency in the pool minigame.
  • Restored traffic cops in the toll booths.
  • Restored non-polister pedestrians in air vehicles flying in the city.
  • He ran Johnny’s wrong jokes when he leaves the gun store after buying something.
  • Restore Luis’s jokes when he leaves the gun store (purchase/not purchase).
  • Restore Luis and Johnny’s missing jokes when they leave Broker’s weapons store.
  • The owner of the gun store now uses his unique model instead of the club’s bouncer model.
  • The Desert Eagle and Micro SMG now use their unique sounds when they are displayed.
  • Restored the temporary ban on entry into the gun store when attacking the owner in TLAD/TBOGT.
  • Fixed a small bug in the Chinatown weapons store where an incorrect joke was used after the release without purchase.
  • Restoring Luis’s jokes, he will now respond to what the pilot says about the places during the tour.
  • Alternative solution for the garage door bug at high refresh rates, the door now closes only when Niko is actually out of the garage.
  • Fixed the inability to complete the helicopter ascent QTE at high refresh rate frequencies.
  • An alternative solution for a bug in which Niko dies after being ejected from Dimitri’s helicopter and falling into the water (Deal Ending).
  • Alternative solution for a bug in which Jacob crashed the high-frequency update Ananihilator (Deal Ending).


  • Added options to customize the blur of shadows, bias, cascades mixing and filter quality.
  • Added options to activate the shadows of lampposts and headlights.
  • Added an option to activate the night shadows of vehicles.
  • Added an option to enable extra dynamic shadows.
  • Added an option to enable dynamic shadows for trees.
  • Increased the rendering distance of shadows to the levels pre
  • Fixed the resolution of the cascading shadowmaps.

Episodic content

  • Added an option to enable support for APC and buzzard and all their skills in IV and TLaD.
  • Added DSR1, tube bomb, adhesive bomb, AA12 explosive projectiles, P90 control on vehicles, partial parachute in IV, TLaD and TBoGT.
  • Added an option to enable explosive bullets on the Annihilator.
  • Added an option to enable camera movement in clubs, cell phone change, atemeter in helicopters and parachute, explosive sniper and punches.
  • Added an option to increase the height limit for helicopters in the base game and TLad to align it with TBoGT.
  • Added an option to give the P90 and AA12 to SWAT and FIB and M249 to the police in helicopters.
  • Added an option to disable SCO signature control.


  • Added an option to customize the alpha of trees.
  • Added an option to customize the intensity of the crowns’ reflexes.
  • Added an option to correct the self-exposure.
  • Fixed the height of the grass.
  • Fix the camera stuttering during the run and veer with the controller.
  • Fixed the fire of the rifles.
  • Added an option to correct the rendering of raindrops.
  • Improved the screen resolution of the phone.
  • Various other fixes, such as the appearance of LOD lights at the appropriate time as in the console version.
  • Restored the self-exposure of the consoles.

Details details

  • AimingZoomFix: Set to 1 for proper correction, on 2 to enable this function in IV and TLAD, to -1 to disable it. 0 disables correction, as usual.
  • FpsLimit: Enter a desired value to specify the number of frames per second for the game. Like 30, 45, 60 or more. This will affect all the gameplay.
  • CutsceneFpsLimit: Enter a desired value to specify the number of frames per second to be used only in the cutscenes.
  • ScriptCutsceneFovLimit: This is the minimum value of FOV that the game can set during scripted cutscenes, to prevent an excessive zoom at high fps. It can be disabled and use the hidden setting ScriptCutsceneFpsLimit that works in the same way as CutsceneFpsLimit.
  • DefaultCameraAngleInTLAD : TLAD uses a different camera angle on vehicles, this option can force the original camera angle of IV. Enabled / Disabled.
  • PedDeathAnimFixFromTBOGT : When you perform a counterattack after a dodge dodge in IV & TLAD, the ped after falling and dead performs an additional death animation, which does not happen in TBOGT. Enabled / Disabled.
  • DisableCameraCenteringInCover : see problem 20.
  • VehicleBudget: Increases vehicle budget.
  • PedBudget: Increases the pedestrian budget.
  • LightSyncRGB: custom ambient lighting for IV, TLAD and TBOGT, health indication on the G-Keys, police lights, ammunition counter.

Changelog of the shaders

Special thanks to Parallellines0451, AssaultKifle47, RaphaelK12, Robi29 and ?CP for direct contributions with corrections, to Shvab for creating RAGE Shader Editor.

Fusion Fix uses a DX hook to implement some features. This may cause the crash or blockade of the game by certain third-party software. To avoid this, Fusion Fix prevents the injection of certain dlls into the game process.


  • Fixed the z-fighting.
  • Fixed the pop-in of objects caused by version
  • Improved screen transparency.

Lighting and lighting

  • Fixed occlusion of volumetric lights.
  • Restored the translucent of the consul vegetation.
  • Added an improved PC-based tree lighting mode.
  • Fixed the non-corresponding intensity of the lights that cast shadows causing visible pop-ins.
  • Fixed invisible lights with version
  • Fixed the black halos of the normal maps on different surfaces such as asphalt, sidewalks and rocks.


  • Restored the shadow filter from versions prior to and added an improved one based on it.
  • Correct large artefacts of the shadows visible from high altitudes.
  • Fixed the shadowmap that was mistakenly blurred before the lighting passage.
  • Fixed the elongation of shadows at certain corners of the camera.
  • Fixed the viewing distance of shadows that was less than the distance actually rendered.
  • Fixed the cut shadows of the distant shadows.
  • Restored normal offset bias from previous versions to
  • Fixed the unrelated night shadows.
  • Fixed artefacts of blur between the cascades of shadows in some conditions.
  • Added a blending of the cascades of the “pseudo” shadows to reduce the disparity between the cascades.
  • Fixed the static shadows of black vehicles as pitch.
  • Added wind movement for the dynamic shadows of trees.
  • Fixed shadows mistakenly moved to water.
  • Fixed flickering when shadows of transparent objects overlap.
  • Added parameters to control the softness and bias of shadows.

Post Processing

  • Separate depth of field, motion blur and stippling filter steps to avoid overlaps.
  • Fixed the color banding, more evident in the sky.
  • Added a mask to selectively filter the transparency of the screen.
  • Fixed depth of field and bloom that did not scale correctly at resolutions above 720p.
  • Fixed the screen excessively blurred compared to the consoles caused by the residual anti-aliasing code.
  • Restored the bloom and self-exposure of the consoles.
  • Restored the bump gamma of the console time.
  • Fixed self-exposure flickering.
  • Fixed the loss of intensity of motion blur at high refresh rate frequencies.
  • Fixed TLAD noise tiling on different average water quality levels.
  • Fixed the aspect ratio of TLAD noise.
  • Added a gamma switch similar to consoles.


  • Restored the behavior of the reflections of the trees and the soil of the consoles.
  • Fixed the excessive specularity of different mesh in Alderney.
  • Corrected reflections of distorted vehicles.
  • Restored the depth test of the crowns in the reflections of water.
  • Added a parameter to check the intensity of the crowns’ reflexes.
  • Fixed the aoisotropic filtering affection on the intensity of vehicle reflections.
  • Restored the behavior of the reflections of the vehicles related to the level of dirt of the consoles.
  • Restored the intensity of the environmental reflections of the consoles.
  • Fixed reflections of distorted mirrors at certain camera angles.
  • Restored the blur of the console mirrors.


  • Fixed soft particles.
  • Fixed the animations of stuttery particles caused by version
  • Fixed almost invisible rain, especially at night.
  • Fixed the rain streaks became shorter at high refresh rates.


  • Fixed the tiling of the water texture on different quality levels from medium.
  • Fixed the surface of flat water and mirror on AMD graphics cards.
  • Remove the foam effect of the broken shore.


  • Fixed outlines around objects when using DXVK.
  • Partially restores the fading speed of console objects.
  • Fixed the pop-in of the ground.
  • Reduced the pop-in of the procobj for predefined values of sight and detail.
  • Partially restored the windows of the visible buildings near the distant floor if the writing of emissive depth is disabled.
  • Adjusted the mipmap bias of trees.
  • Restored the mipmap bias of fences from versions prior to
  • Fixed the filtering of the textures used in different shaders.
  • Added a parameter to check the alpha threshold of the tree leaves.
  • Added support to control the color of the dirt of the vehicles, the length of the rain strips and the textures.
  • Added AO to gta-normal?spec?reflect?emissive if the emissiveness is 0 so you can disable the night shadows for certain objects.
  • It partially restores the depth of the mirrors.
  • Added support to instantly turn on or off the lamppost light bulbs.


  • Repair uncolored glass fragments.
  • Added the sun’s rays.
  • Vehicles are placed: Stockade, Police Stockade, Enforcer, Ambulance, Fire Truck, President, FlyUS Perennial, Habanero, Willard, PCJ, Sanchez, Sultan, Faggio, Burrito2, Stratum, Oracle.
  • Fixed the camera’s stuttering issue during the run and vetting with the controller.
  • Removed the filter of the shadows for consoles and added shadows for street lamps, headlights and vehicles at night.
  • Increased the rendering distance of shadows to levels prior to version
  • Fix the height of the grass.
  • Fixed the fire delay of the rifles.
  • Added the option to enable various episodic features (compatibility with mod).
  • Added options to customize the blur of shadows, bias, cascades mixing and filter quality.
  • Added an option to correct the self-exposure.
  • Re-made the code of different fixes and features, improving performance in general.
  • Improved the quality of the field of vision.
  • Separate the postfx steps to correct overlapping effects.
  • Fixed banding of the sky and the banding of colors in general.
  • Restored the increase of the console time range (the range slightly increases).
  • Improvements of postfx taken to the phone’s camera.
  • Restored the normal offset bias from the pre- shadows and corrected the peter panning on lower qualities.
  • Improved the shadow filter.
  • Improved mixing of shadow cascades and reduced pop-in.
  • Fixed the problem of stretching shadows or “looking relationship” in some corners of the camera.
  • Fixed the shadow viewing distance that was less than the distance actually rendered.
  • Fixed the shadows apart with cut-offs.
  • Fixed the blur artifacts among the cascades of shadows in some conditions.
  • Fixed the artifacts of shadows on the water in some places and corners of the camera.
  • Fixed shading problems with a high FOV.
  • Fixed flickering when shadows of transparent objects overlap.
  • Added parameters to control the softness and bias of shadows
  • Fixed outlines around objects when using DXVK.
  • Fixed the black halos of the normalmaps on different surfaces such as asphalt, sidewalks and rocks.
  • Improved the AO of the top of the trees.
  • Partially fix the emissive windows visible through the fog near the distant floor with depth write disabled.
  • Improved the calculation of the intensity of the rain.
  • Fixed the animations of stuttery particles caused by patch
  • Improved tree transparency and texture detail over long distances.
  • Added a user-defined parameter “alpha tree multiplier” to control the transparency of the leaves.
  • Reduced the pop-in of the procobj, but only up to about 25 viewing distances and detail.
  • Partially restored the difancy speed of console objects.
  • Removed the transparency of the screen from decals and other shaders who should not have had it.
  • Fixed some opaque objects mistakenly included in the “stipple mask”.
  • Restored the depth test of the corona in the reflections of the water.
  • Added a parameter to multiply the intensity of the crown reflexes.
  • Restored the behavior of the console for the reflexes of the ground.
  • Fixed white reflections on some of the Alderney mesh caused by a previous change.
  • Added to AO a gta_normal_spec_reflect_emissiveif the emissivity is 0so it can be used to disable night shadows for certain objects.
  • Updated the fixed lampposts and disable the night shadows of streetlight objects.
  • Added a fix for emissive depth write.
  • Added GXT overwriting – the game will load files language#.gxtadditional with the possibility of overwriting the vanilla lines.
  • Located the FusionFix menu text – they may contain translation errors.
  • Increased vehicle liveries limit, from 4 to 127.
  • Exposed the extended limits.
  • Fixed the P90 selectable in vehicles via keyboard.
  • Removed the foam effect of the broken shore.
  • Remove the option to customize the intensity of the raindrops blur.
  • Remove SSAA and shadow filter option.
  • Removed the improved definition option – Classic and Extra only remain in the on/off options.

Download: GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix v3.0.0

Download: Source code GTAIV.EFLC.FusionFix v3.0.0


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