ps5 release wee tools se 0.1.8 pro v0.2.0

The developer Andy-maN has just released a new version of PS5Wee Tools, an application written in Python that should help you dump the

PlayStation 5 console’s sflash memory.

PS5 Wee Tools Pro, compared to the PS5 Wee Tools SE (Standard Edition) offers several advantages, such as support for 18 million EMC error codes, a PUP decrypt unpacker, a dump regenerator and other additional features.

Currently the standard version 0.1.8 has not yet been released. The program is sold for $5 for the standard version and $10 for the Pro version on the, and Patreon platforms.


Before using these tools, you need to meet some requirements. In particular, the installation of the library is required pyserial, which allows serial communication.

Fortunately, the installation of this library is a simple task thanks to pip, the standard Python package manager. Just execute the command pip install pyserialto get this dependency.

Characteristics of

NOR Tool

  • Information PS5 Nor dump:
    • MD5, Board ID, Model, SKU, Region, SN / Mobo SN.
    • Kiban ID, FW (current/min/factory), MAC (LAN/WiFi).
  • Activation/Disable of options:
    • kiosk mode (idu), model (slim /disc/digital), active slot.
  • Extraction of the NOR partitions.
  • Creating a dump from extracted files.
  • Basic validation.

Common instruments

  • Browser file.
  • Terminal (UART) with highlighting.
  • Reading/Writing of the sFlash (SPIway by Judges).
  • Comparison of multiple files.
  • Compress/Decompress 2BLS files.

This tool is primarily intended for experienced users who fully understand the purpose and consequences of the operations they perform. Improper use may cause problems for the console or data.


  • Many EMC error codes (18 million).
  • Detailed information about each error.
  • Tool for cloning the MAC address.
  • Tool to regenerate dumps.
  • Unpacker for decrypted PUP file.

Download: PS5 Wee Tools Pro v0.2.x (ko-fi) ( (patreon)


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